b"Figure 3: The shunt resistor test, while the current drain goes from inactive to active. The blue trace is the voltage drop across the resistor, the red trace is the inductive current probe and the black trace is the current calculated from the voltage with a math channel. 7KLV\x03SURYHV\x03ZH\x03GR\x03QRW\x03DOZD\\V\x03QHHG\x03D\x03FXUUHQW\x03SUREH\x03WR\x03QG\x03RXU\x03URJXH\x03 Figure 5: The fused shunt resistor connected and the battery current drain.QHJDWLYH\x03GLVFRQQHFWHG\x11\x03$OO\x03FXUUHQW\x03QRZ\x03RZV\x03WKURXJK\x03RXU\x03\x13\x11\x14\x03RKP\x03resistor to provide stable, long-term monitoring for current drain.Figure 4: A PicoScope screenshotMath Channel Example of Parasitic Draw with Shunt Resistorof 16 chan- Top in RED:nels across- 30 amps low current probe3 scopes set up forMiddle in BLACKcloud mon- - Math channel for A utilizing Ohm's Law voltage drop across theitoring (upresistor divided by ressistance equals ampsto 30 days)- Our choice: .0-ohm 100 W resistor of deepConsider % of accuracy for valuesrecords to\x10\x030DWK\x03FKDQQHO\x03HTXDWLRQ\x03 \x03$\x12\x13\x11\x14\x03catch parasitic current drainsBottom in BLUEMethod 3: Oscilloscope, Shunt Resistor, Voltage Channel, and Math\x10\x039ROWDJH\x03GURS\x03DFURVV\x03WKH\x03\x11\x14\x03\x03UHVLVWRUChannel for Extended or Overnight Testing (Amp Clamp Optional)For this setup, we can utilize an oscilloscope with an inductive current probe on one channel of the scope (optional), and voltage probes measuring acrossashuntresistoronasecondchannel,whilemonitoringsource battery voltage on a third channel.Monitoring voltage dropping across a known resistor allows us to solve the current probes gaussing and drifting issue. Depending on which scope you use, you can easily monitor for excessive current drains for 13 hours or PRUH\x03DW\x03D\x03WLPH\x11\x036RPH\x03VFRSHV\x03OLNH\x033LFR\x03DQG\x037LH3LH\x03(QJLQHHULQJ\x03DOVR\x03RHU\x03extended recording features that can log and record data for up to 30 days VWUDLJKW\x03\x0bVHH\x03)LJXUH\x03\x17\x0c\x11\x03HV\x0f\x03,\x03VDLG\x03\x16\x13\x03GD\\V\x11\x03,I\x03\\RX\x03FDQW\x03QG\x03WKH\x03FXUUHQW\x03drain in 30 days, then kindly refer to the Grenade Actuated Fault Finding or GAFF Method of diagnosis. Figure 6: A scope set up for math channels and long-term recording. Set up vehicle and Equipment for Long-Term Parasitic DrainNote that the red channel is the amp probe, the blue channel is the Testing or Overnight Testing voltage channel across the shunt resistor and the black trace is the Prepare the vehicle so that you have access to ALL fuse boxes and relaymath channels Ohms Law result.panels. Open the doors, hood, trunk, or hatch lid and either lock the car ZLWK\x0321(\x03SXVK\x03RI\x03WKH\x03UHPRWH\x0f\x03RU\x03PDQXDOO\\\x03LS\x03DOO\x03RI\x03WKH\x03ODWFKHV\x0f\x03ZKLFK\x03WHOOV\x03 as a guide to prepare the vehicle to go to sleep. This method, combined the modules that the doors are closed go to sleeeeep. For the Land Rover- ZLWK\x03PLQRU\x03PRGLFDWLRQV\x03EDVHG\x03RQ\x03WKH\x03PRGHO\x0f\x03ZRUNV\x03JUHDW\x03WR\x03SUHSDUH\x03DQ\\\x03only techs out there, refer to the general procedures in Bulletin 414.00modern car for a current drain test.27 8"