b'CTA ENGINE OIL FILTERCTALOWER CONTROL ARM WRENCH85.5 MM, 16-POINT - 1/2" DRIVEPULLING TOOL 2488$11.05 Used for installing a ball joint on lower control arms on domestic, European, and Asian vehicles. Works with any 7/8" diameter pry bar.3802$16.41CTA HENN CLAMP TOOL Designed for the loosening or opening of HENN clamps found on coolant hoses & charge air hoses. The T-Handle features a removable working end. Working end can be adjusted for an angled 90 degree and straight approach when HENN clamps are di\x1fcult to access. 1013 $19.84CTA MBZ ENGINE OIL DRAIN PLUG TOOL For removal of the plastic drain plug on Mercedes models.8606$6.655'