b'PRODUCT FOCUS Myth:The Truth About Anaerobic Threadlockers An assembly that is torqued tight is impervious to corrosion.It is important to understand the chemistryThese are a common solution for assemblies that and physics of the adhesives and sealantsmay need to be serviced and adjusted down theFact: On the microscopic level, there are many used in vehicle assemblies and systems. Theseroad(suspensionandbrakecomponentsareavoids between male and female threads. In some Myths vs. Facts may assist technicians in maxi- good example). cases up to 85% of the surface area of a bolt could mizing reliability by ensuring that the engi- betouchingair,andnotmetal. Therefore,using neering specifications determined by the OEMHighstrengththreadlockersaremoredi\x1eculttoLoctitethreadlockershelp\x1fllthesegapsto are duplicated in the shop.disassembleandmayrequirelocalizedheatinpreventmoistureandothercontaminantsfrom ordertodecreasethestrengthtoremove. Theseentering the threads.products are typically used in tamper-proof appli-Myth: cations, or more permanent bonds that will see the Using threadlockers makes it di\x1fcult tomostseverevibrationalconditions.Finally,the disassemble in the future. wicking grade Loctite Threadlocker (green color) is aproductwhichcanbeconvenientlyusedafter Fact:In reality, the level of removabili- assembly. If you forget to apply threadlocker prior tyisasecondarypropertyofto assembly or are making adjustments before lock-Loctitethreadlockers,withing into place, Loctite wicking grade threadlock-protectionagainstcorrosionander is a very low viscosity product that works its looseningbeingthemainbene- way into the threads.\x1fts.Threadlockersevenhelptomanagetheamountoftorque neededtodisassemble.Every mechanicknowsthatovertime threaded assemblies can lock up due to rust. Eventually, manyAirof these assemblies become socorrodedthattheycanMetalbreakwhenbeingserviced.to MetalThreadlockerhelpsto\x1fllthe voidsbetweenthreadsto preventthecorrosionfromforming.Myth:That being said, using a threadlocker will make theIf you use green Loctite Threadlocker, torque used to disassemble controlled over time,your parts will be stuck together forever! Myth:stayingataconstantlevel,whereasunprotectedMechanical fastening methods are the best threads become more di\x1ecult to take apart over time.Fact:Loctite 290, the wicking-grade thread- way to prevent loosening.It is true that there are di\x1derent grades of threadlock- lockerisamediumstrengthproduct.However,it er. We break them down to four major groups: Lowshares its green color with Loctites line of retaining Strength, Medium Strength, High Strength, and Wick- Fact: Therearemanymechanicalfasteners ing Grade. Low strength threadlockers (purple color)compounds (sometimes called bearing mount) whichwhicharecommonlyusedtopreventloosening areveryeasilyremovableandareusuallyusedonare much higher strength. Therefore, it is important tosuchassplitringwashersandserratednuts. The adjustable equipment (carburetor settings and gundistinguishLoctitesgreenthreadlockerfromthelimitation of these solutions is that they all apply sightsaretypicalapplications).Next,themediumLoctitesbearingmountadhesives.Ifabearingfriction to the head of the bolt/nut. In a vibrational threadlockers (blue color), our most popular (Loctitemountproductisusedasathreadlocker,itwilltest, it is shown that the holding power provided by 242 is considered Ol Reliable by many) are able toproduce a very high strength, giving it the character- these solutions give out after a certain amount of be disassembled with hand tools. istics closer to a red Loctite threadlocker product. vibration. Loctite Threadlocker o\x1ders superior vibra-23 8'